Why cutting Fairfax Connector service is a bad idea (reason 1 of 6)
Reason 1: Because people actually use these buses.
I ride either the 554 (which may be eliminated) or the 505 (which would pick up the slack from 7 eliminated routes).
Let me tell you, on many mornings, the trip from the Wiehle Avenue Park and Ride to the West Falls Church Metro reminds me of riding the chicken buses in Central America. It's standing room only (high heels=bad idea).
And sometimes there's no room for more. People at the bus stop are left behind (in the literal - not evangelical - sense, of course).
What we actually need are more buses, not less.
Short-Sighted Transit Proposal in a Nutshell
To close the gap created by a loss in outside revenue from Metropolitan Washington Airport Authority for Fairfax Connector operations in the Dulles Corridor, the budget proposal includes the following increase in fares and reductions in service:
◦A fare increase from $1.25 to $1.50 on the base fare.
◦Elimination of seven routes.
◦Creation of one route to replace a small portion of eliminated routes 552, 553, 554 and 557.
◦Reduction in the number of late-night trips, generally operating after 8:30 or 9 p.m., depending on the route.
◦Elimination of Sunday service in the Dulles Corridor.
•The Fairfax County Board of Supervisors will adopt a final FY 2011 budget on Apr. 27
You can do something!
Read about the proposed cuts.
Submit your comments online.
Sign up to speak at a public hearing April 4, 5 or 6.
Call the budget hotline: 703-324-9400.
Call your district supervisor (if you live in Fairfax County).
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